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Top 50 Common Interview Programs

The following are the top 50 Common Interview Programs Mostly asked in Interviews

Top 50 Common Interview Programs

  1. Fibonacci series
  2. Checking for prime number
  3. string palindrome
  4. Integer palindrome
  5. Armstrong number
  6. Avoiding deadlocks
  7. Factorial program
  8. Reversing strings
  9. Removing repeated elements
  10. Printing patterns
  11. Printing repetitive characters
  12. LCM & GCD of two numbers
  13. Square root of a number
  14. Reversing on array in place
  15. reversing the order of words
  16. Determining leap year
  17. performing binary search
  18. checking for anagrams
  19. designing a vending machine
  20. reversing a number
  21. first unique character of a string
  22. find middle element of linked list
  23. performing pre order traversal
  24. pre order traversal without recursion
  25. performing in order traversal
  26. in order traversal without recursion
  27. performing post order traversal
  28. post order traversal without recursion
  29. printing all leaves of a binary tree
  30. sorting an array using quicksort
  31. performing insertion sort
  32. performing bubble sort
  33. transposing a matrix
  34. Printing all permutations of a string
  35. reversing a string in place
  36. adding matrices
  37. multiplying matrices
  38. removing spaces in a string
  39. reversing a linked list
  40. finding the length of a linked list
  41. checking for loops in a linked list
  42. Find start of looping in a linked list
  43. finding the middle element of linked list
  44. finding nth element from the tale of a linked list
  45. converting a linked list to a binary tree
  46. sorting a linked list
  47. performing bucket sort
  48. performing counting sort
  49. performing merge sort
  50. Check if 2 strings are rotations of each other

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