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TCS Interview Questions for freshers part 2 for 2023 batch

TCS Interview Experience 1 (EEE)

  1. Self Introduction?
  2. Skills?
  3. What is your role in Project?
  4. What is list and tuple?
  5. what are the concept of oops?
  6. Explain the concept of oops?
  7. Being a Non-IT Student why did you choose IT?
  8. Explain Polymorphism?
  9. What is ALternator?
  10. AC Current and DC Current?

TCS Interview Experience 2
Duration 30 Min

  1. Introduce Yourself?
  2. In which programming Language you have practical knowledge?
  3. Explain about the project?
  4. Asked to wrie a code(Pattern)?
  5. Given a table and asked to write some SQL Queries on that table using joins, update, deleting a table?
  6. Delete Vs Drop in SQL?
  7. What is Truncate in SQL?
  8. What skills you gained from your internship?
  9. Are there any educational gaps?
  10. Are you willing to relocate?
  11. Explain about pandas library in python?
  12. Different types of functions, datatypes in python?
  13. Why did you do your project in machine leaning only?
  14. Why did you choose that algorithm for your project?
  15. what if *Nan* in python Machine Learning?

TCS Interview Experience 3

  1. Give Brief introduction of yourself which not mentioned in your resume?
  2. Questions on additional courses which you have mentioned in the Resume (Uploaded in TCS Application?
  3. Questions on the Project?
  4. Questions on IOT?
  5. Language used for your Project?
  6. What is the role of you in your project?
  7. How do you solve problems in team as a leader?
  8. Questions on my certifications?
  9. Did you participated/Member in any college Events?
  10. Questions on my Hobbies?
  11. Did you know the details of TCS bond/Recruitment Process?
  12. Some Questions on performance of the role, and justification for it?

TCS Interview Experience 4
IT Student

  1. Self Introduction?
  2. Languages familiar with?
  3. Why python?
  4. difference between tuple and list?
  5. What is the purpose of Pep 8 in python?
  6. About Keywords?
  7. Difference between .py and.pyc?
  8. Local variable and Global variable?
  9. Namespace?
  10. Functions?
  11. Lamda Function?
  12. Projects and Certifications?
  13. Data Base Management System?
  14. Types of Join?
  15. Why TCS?
  16. Are you willing to relocate?
  17. Which role you are comfortable with?

TCS Interview Experience 5

  1. Tell me about yourself?
  2. Skills?
  3. What is normalisation?
  4. why DBMS, and Advantages?
  5. Asked me to write a simple program in C and Python on notepad?
  6. Asked What is your favourite subject in your academics and why?
  7. Asked whether i know any scripting language ?
  8. Are you intrested in frontend or backend?
  9. Any backlogs?
  10. Any gap in Education?
  11. Any performance in location and rotational shifts?
  12. Do you have any question for me?

TCS Interview Experience 6

  1. Self introduction?
  2. is this is your first interview?
  3. which language is comfortable for you?
  4. your rating in Python?
  5. What is Python path?
  6. tuples concatenation?
  7. Even odd program?
  8. what is pickling and unpickling?
  9. How do you access data item in your data frame?
  10. Why we use negative indexing?
  11. Help functions in Python?
  12. what are modules in Python?
  13. range and xrange?
  14. What is typecasting?
  15. How do you take integer input into Python?
  16. How do you convert a string to lowercase?
  17. why TCS?
  18. Why do you choose IT?
  19. What do you know about TCS?
  20. Why should we hire you as you are from ECE?

TCS Interview Experience 7

  1. Self Introduction?
  2. All Questions from Introduction?
  3. about my experience?
  4. latest technology that I have learned?
  5. What is artificial intelligence?
  6. what is machine learning?
  7. what is cloud technology?
  8. explain about your project?
  9. what are the technologies that you used in your project?
  10. do you have any questions for me?

TCS Interview Experience 8

  1. Self introduction?
  2. explain about your project?
  3. what is your role in your project?
  4. difference between C and Python?
  5. difference between compiler and interpreter?
  6. Advantages of C language and Python?
  7. What is function?
  8. structures in C?
  9. difference in C functions and Python functions?
  10. Difference between list and tuple?
  11. What is database Management system?
  12. what are your strength?
  13. what are your weakness?
  14. have you done any internship?
  15. why TCS?
  16. are you willing to relocate?
  17. are you willing to do night shift?

TCS Interview Experience 9 (EEE)

  1. Introduce yourself?
  2. programming languages that you are comfortable?
  3. can you execute a program without main function?
  4. what are inline functions?
  5. what is shallow copy and deep copy?
  6. explain oops concept?
  7. Standard Triangle Language and its component?
  8. explain about your project?
  9. Have you done any internship?
  10. have you done any certification and technical languages?
  11. what is sdlc and explain about it?
  12. What is cloud computing?
  13. do you have any questions to me?

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