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Mallika, Maneni, Pallavi, Nikita and Suhana are seated in a conference....

Mallika, Maneni, Pallavi, Nikita and Suhana are seated in a conference hall facing the stage which is in the North. They are all scattered in such a manner that they do not occupy adjacent seats. 

The seating arrangement is as given below: 

1. Maneni is seated 10 seats away, to the right of Suhana.

2. Pallavi is seated 20 seats away, to the left of Nikita. 

3. Mallika is seated 30 seats in front of Suhana. 4. Nikita is seated 15 seats to the right of Suhana. 

Who amongst the given options are NOT seated in a linear pattern?

A. Pallavi, Suhana, Maneni

B. Mallika, Suhana, Maneni

C. Pallavi, Suhana, Nikita

D. Pallavi, Maneni, Nikita

Answer: Option B

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